When the Fed wants more inflation, it’s a good time to buy more gold.

The Fed’s Federal Open Market Committee recently released a statement saying, in part, “policymakers signaled that they’re worried that inflation has fallen too low, with the ‘core’ consumer price index rising year-over-year at a rate of less than 1.0% in recent months, a 44-year low.” Inflation is too low? That’s a novel idea. Those of …

The demand for storage space in bullion vaults is rising.

You and I may not have to worry about finding vault space for hundreds of 400 ounce gold bars, but the growth in demand for secure storage for gold bullion is telling. As gold prices rise, high-wealth individuals and fund management companies with funds backed by physical gold, are having a tough time finding space …

Don’t buy gold coins from telemarketers.

With the price of gold surging ever upwards, telemarketers are coming out of the woodwork and plying their trade. First, they scare their listeners with tales of economic meltdown, evil banks, upcoming wars and anything else they can think of to make you nervous about your financial security. Then they start selling you gold coins. …