
How you feel about daily gold prices depends on your vision of where the world economy is headed.

Daily gold prices go up and down. It’s true of gold, of other commodities, and of stocks and bonds. The key to gold ownership is to ignore these ups and downs. Also, ignore the larger corrections, which can see the price of gold fall by several percentage points. These price changes and corrections give traditional …

Gold owners are smarter than many investors.

People who own gold and people who invest in the stock market have fundamentally different goals. Gold owners are protecting a proportion of their wealth in a form that is physical, in their possession, and will always hold value. Investors put money into stocks and bonds in the hope of making big profits. But here …

A return to the Gold Standard? Not likely. But…

A few years ago, World Bank chief Robert Zoellick said in an article the Financial Times that leading economies should consider “employing gold as an international reference point of market expectations about inflation, deflation and future currency values.” Naturally, economists and self-appointed pundits around the world called him mad, saying there is no way we …

Gold price at over $1,400.

I couldn’t resist grabbing this screen shot. I have been wondering whether, or when the price of gold would break the $1,400 barrier. Yes, there is a “barrier”. Breaking that round number takes some doing. Perhaps it shouldn’t be any different from breaking the $1,397 barrier – but it is. Sentiment and psychology always play …

3 Reasons why traditional investors don’t like gold.

Gold buyers and gold owners love gold. But traditional investors? Not so much. Here are three reasons why not. 1. Gold doesn’t pay a dividend. Many stock investments, in addition to offering capital growth, also often annual dividends. In fact, many investors seek out those companies which consistently pay dividends to their investors. Even when …