
Don’t sell your gold after the total collapse of law and order. Sell it just before.

  Plenty of people think gold will make them rich if and when we dive into total economic collapse. The theory goes that if paper money becomes worthless, the value of gold will skyrocket. Suddenly everyone with a few gold coins in hand will become immeasurably wealthy. Well, there is a problem with that scenario. …

Will gold prices continue to rise? Or are we ready for a big correction?

Generally speaking, I’m bullish on gold. I see prices continuing to rise over the long term.   But right now, as I write this, I would feel very cautious about buying a lot more gold at current prices. I’m not saying I know what’s coming down the pike, nobody does. But I do know that …

When investment professionals spout nonsense about gold prices…Part One.

Reading a recent commentary by Jon Nadler, of Kitco Metals Inc.- an excellent source of quality information and opinions – I was struck by this quote. “Matthew Clark, financial planner at Thomas Westcott Financial Management, said he was cautious about the hype surrounding gold. “Gold is now firmly in this camp and the rapid rise …