Why you shouldn’t hide all your gold in the same place.

Saddam Hussein's Gold

The photo above shows Saddam Hussein’s gold, hidden in a tanker truck.

That’s a lot of gold!

And when he had it hidden all in the same place, it was all lost once the truck was found.

Of course, he was probably in a bit of a hurry when he hid it.

But there is a lesson here for all of us.

If you hide your entire collection of gold coins or bars in a single place, you’ll lose it all if it is found.

As a result, even if you have only a few gold coins at home, you may want to spread them across two or three different hiding places. This way, if a thief finds one hiding place, he might believe he has found all of your gold, and stop looking for more.

If you have more than a few coins, you might want to spread the risk further, by keeping some at home – spread across a few different hiding places – and some in a safety deposit box at the bank.

One way or another, you want to ensure that if one hiding place is found, you won’t lose all your gold.

Most of us take a long time to build up a reasonable cache of gold, particularly at today’s prices. To lose it all would be a disaster.

Hide your gold carefully, and spread the risk by dividing it up across different hiding places.

More on hiding and storing your gold…

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