Eff You! I own gold!

When times are tough, profanity can be a great comfort.

You know how it is. You’re feeling stressed, you feel your self-control beginning to fray at the edges, bad thoughts begin to bubble up inside, and before you know it your mouth opens…and out comes that time-tested phrase, “Eff You!”.

It can happen at the best of times, and is the perfect way to let off steam during tough times, including tough economic times.

But profanity without a solution will take you only so far.

And today, right now, owning gold is the best solution when it comes to dealing with many of our financial woes.

Own gold, and you can really get into that moment of profanity…because you have a solution.

You go the bank and ask for a loan. The loan officer says no, and you reply, “Eff you! I own gold!”

Your investment advisor calls to let you know your stock portfolio has just dropped in value by 9%. What do you say? “Eff you! I own gold!”

The credit card company sends you a letter, explaining that because they are so wonderful, they are adding some extra fees to the card. Let’s hear it… “Eff you! I own gold!”

That’s it for the profanity for a while.

But the point here is a serious one. We really don’t have any control over our financial lives. Yes, we can work hard to manage our spending, our savings and our investments carefully. But the big picture is way outside of our control.

We can’t control the value of the dollar. We can’t control the rate of inflation. We have no control over what banks and credit card companies decide to do, or not do. We can’t stop the crooks on Wall Street from stealing money, and getting away with it.

So…if you can’t control the system, what can you do? You can own a proportion of your wealth outside of the system. And that means owning physical gold.

Owning gold gives you total control.

You buy it when you can, and then, if and when you need to, you can cash in a gold coin or two, or a gold bar. Be your own bank, your own loan officer, and your own savings portfolio.

I’m not suggesting you invest all your money in gold. That would be foolish.

But when you have a stash of gold coins, it gives you power and independence.

It means the next time the system tries to screw you, you can turn around and say…you got it… “Eff you! I own gold!”

You can buy gold coins and gold bars online at GovMint.com.

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