
Why you should buy physical gold, not paper gold.

The quick answer to why you should own physical gold is that you can’t trust the banks or your government. Eric Sprout, the billionaire precious metals trader, recently conducted an audit of how much gold the U.S. government has been buying and selling over the last few decades. Here is his conclusion: “We used this …

When you’re not sure who or what to believe, you can always believe in gold.

Here is a great quote, attributed to George Bernard Shaw, the Irish playwright and a co-founder of the London School of Economics. “You have a choice between the natural stability of gold and the honesty and intelligence of the members of government. And with all due respect to those gentlemen, I advise you, as long …

The demand for storage space in bullion vaults is rising.

You and I may not have to worry about finding vault space for hundreds of 400 ounce gold bars, but the growth in demand for secure storage for gold bullion is telling. As gold prices rise, high-wealth individuals and fund management companies with funds backed by physical gold, are having a tough time finding space …